Friday, November 18, 2011

Terra Firma

Landed in India, safe and sound. Man oh man, this is a long trip. Each time I make it, I find ways to be more efficient. Next time I travel, I think I can reduce the weight of my carry-on even more. Keep it light folks, even if you are on a one-way trip to the other side of the planet!

It is funny how quickly India feels like Home.

Everything from the bustling streets, to the taste of the food resonates with me. I'm not sure what to expect, or where this adventure will take me. My goal it so set up some kind of life, to make it in a new place, yet I didn't exactly realize how many tiny moving parts are needed to make a well-oiled machine of life. For instance, getting an apartment involves much more than simply having a place to stay. Once I find an apartment, I'll need a ton of other things. Some of them are obvious, like silverware and plates. Others are less obvious for someone coming from America. Most apartments don't come with an oven, and tenants need to bring their own gas canister for the stove. That isn't something I had considered.

I can recommend the idli from Mr. Idli. They are super-yummy with flavorful sambar and quite affordable... an important point if you are on a budget like me!

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