Sunday, November 27, 2011

Internet over Phone

One of the down-sides of being in India is dealing with the layers of stupid when it comes to getting basic things done. For instance, I've been trying for a week to get 3G access turned on for my phone. Every step of the way there are huge hurdles and hoops, red tape galore.

If you call customer service from your phone, you have to navigate the horrific voicemail system. Once you reach the 'end', you are not connected to a customer care representative. Instead, you are presented with a message informing you that speaking with a customer care representative will cost you!

Let me get this straight. I am calling the phone company to GIVE THEM MONEY! I want to PAY THEM for 3G access. And they make men PAY in order to PAY?

This offends all my sensibilities.

Atop it all. I STILL do not have 3G access on my phone. I've lodged complaints, waited on hold, stood in a line (queue) at the store, and I'm still stuck on some kind of smoke-signal speed.

So right now/ I am using my phone tethered using whatever crummy speed is default... and probably paying through the nose for it.

Ouch. This hurts.

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